Optimizing Freight At Order-Level To Lower Freight Spend
- Finance White Papers
- September 19, 2022
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- 2 minutes read
Supply chain leaders have a problem. Despite the advancements in technology, many organizations still rely on manual processes, especially when mapping route and load optimization goals. While that works in some cases, profitability hangs in the balance. As the supply chain changes, the ability to dynamically load plan at the order level will lead to decreased freight spend and improved service for the customer.
Order level load planning means applying actionable insights in advance and when things go wrong to keep total costs under control. However, that’s more difficult than it sounds when looking at a rapidly expanding supply chain. It’s even more challenging when trying to handle things manually. As revenue swells with the expansion of a business, the existing tech stack, even if users feel running freight management via spreadsheet is the best option, will eventually fall short.
Read more about actionable steps shippers need to take now to unlock order-level visibility and optimization opportunities in this new guide.